Improve Your Child’s Movement and Daily Performance

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapists increase an individual’s participation and independence in daily life skills (occupations). They address the child and youth’s physical (motor), psychological, and cognitive aspects to enhance occupational performance by working closely with the family and others.

Following a comprehensive evaluation, intervention may focus on:

  • Daily living skills such as feeding, eating, dressing, toileting, hygiene, and sleep.
  • Play and leisure skills (e.g., turn-taking, exploration, motor planning).
  • Functional cognitive skills such as problem solving, attending, sequencing.
  • Physical skills to increase movement, strength, balance, coordination.
  • Fine motor and visual motor skills to enhance education and work (e.g., handwriting, cutting, dexterity).
  • Self-regulation and sensory processing to enhance participation in the environment.
  • Strategies to enhance social interactions (e.g., coping skills, social-emotional cues).
  • Modifications or adaptations to environment or equipment to increase independence.
A woman and girl sitting at table with art supplies.
A group of children sitting at a table eating food.

  • Children who are still eating baby food at 16 months of age
  • Children who do not eat foods orally (e.g. have feeding tube), but are safe to do so
  • Children with 20 or less foods in their diet (e.g. dropping foods from their diet)
  • Children who avoid food groups (e.g. proteins, fruits, vegetables)
  • Families who are experiencing a high level of anger/frustration during mealtimes

Feeding Therapy

Metro West's Eating/Feeding Program uses a family-centered approach that includes the family in an individualized evaluation and intervention program to help your child learn to eat a variety of textures and a range of foods. Strategies and education to enhance eating, feeding, and skills will be provided to families. Evidence-based strategies are provided by an experienced occupational therapist or speech therapist. 

  • Children who have difficulty eating, chewing, biting, or swallowing foods
  • Children who have ongoing gagging, choking, or coughing during meals
  • Children with strong negative reactions to non-preferred foods (tantrums, screams)
  • Children who are having difficulty transitioning to baby food purees by 10 months
  • Children who are not eating foods by 12 months of age
Two children are eating apples at a table.